A little while ago, when the Risham Syed exhibition was still on display in our Pre- Raphaelite galleries, something strange was discovered in Gallery 6 once all of the visitors had left.....
One of Syed's small postcard- sized paintings was mysteriously found to have fallen behind it's display, which was very bizarre due to it's secure fastening onto a small sculptural stand of praying hands.
So, we began investigating the cause of this collapse by scouring over our CCTV footage and this is what we found:
This footage is in real time and the recording shows the strangest thing, that it didn't naturally fall forwards to the ground, but popped up and fell backwards, over the stand. To add to the anomaly, if you look closely at the photograph below, it is clear to see how very difficult this would be, surely this force of impact couldn't be caused simply by some mild tremors, or a gust of wind..... could it?
The painting was promptly returned securely into place, we hope the ghost wont strike again...
The occurrence took place within the galleries of our old building, which date back to 1835 and were originally part of the Royal Manchester Institution. Almost 200 years on, have we disturbed something or someone paranormal. Could all of the recent activity in Gallery 10 also awaken more abnormal activity?